Quick run over to Oxford, MD -- July 1

It took us less than an hour to make the 12-mile run over to the Safe Harbor Marina in Oxford. It was blowing hard enough from the north that we had a moderate chop the entire time, even though we were within about a mile of the shore. Despite the chop, there were lots of boats out -- all the commercial fishermen were out in force. 

We pulled into the fuel dock at the marina to buy just 21 gallons of diesel (enough to get us to a better fuel stop tomorrow as the $5.00/gal price here is outrageous), get a pump-out , and get our dock assignment. The kid in charge found a spot for us that was well protected from the waves coming into the channel from out of the north. 

We were settled in by about 11:30 and went to work on finding a place to watch the France/Belgium Euro Cup match at noon. It turns out that none of the five restaurants or bars in town were open (it being a Monday) and the Captain couldn't figure out how to get the game on the TV in the marina lounge (nor could one of the marina kids), so we ended up watching it on the boat. The screen was a bit small, and the picture got fuzzy now and then, but it worked out okay (except that Belgium lost). 
After the game we worked on chores and enjoyed the change in the weather. The front drove out the humidity, and the nice breeze and sunshine were delightful. The Captain got caught up on the blog and the boat got a quick wash down. 

We had dinner at the Robert Morris Inn & Tavern, where we ate when we were here two years ago. Lovely old place, built in 1710, that was owned by Robert Morris, Sr. -- the father of Robert Morris, Jr. who was one of the founding fathers and known as the "Financier of the Revolution". Our waitress claimed to remember us from our previous visit. She said they don't get many boaters at the restaurant, which was surprising. Maybe she just remembered what a handsome couple we were and still are. 

One of the nice things about this trip is that we have been seeing new places and not making many repeat visits. Oxford is our first repeat stop since Belhaven five days ago. We'll make another repeat stop tomorrow when we go to Havre de Grace, MD at the far north end of the Chesapeake. This will be a repeat stop primarily because of its convenience for our son Zach and his family to meet us there (coming down by car from Manhattan) to join us for cruising over the Fourth of July weekend. We are looking forward to that!


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